by DevLeague » Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:33 pm
[12:14:27] [CanaryMod] [INFO]: Disabling plugin org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin
[12:14:27] [CanaryMod] [INFO]: Enabling plugin org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin
[12:14:29] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: alias plugin is not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:30] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [ERROR]: Plugin C:/Users/Charles/Downloads/CanaryProject/scriptcraft/plugins/charles/awesomearrows.js Error: Error evaluating module C:/Users/Charles/Downloads/CanaryProject/scriptcraft/plugins/charles/awesomearrows.js line #15 : <eval>:15:5 Expected an operand but found .
^ in <eval> at line number 15 at column number 5
[12:14:31] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: commando-test not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:31] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: commando plugin is not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:31] [CanaryMod] [INFO] [MESSAGE]: §EPermission added
[12:14:32] [CanaryMod] [INFO] [MESSAGE]: §EPermission added
[12:14:32] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: cow-clicker minigame is not yet supported in CanaryMod and Craftbukkit
[12:14:32] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer] [WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 4396ms behind, skipping 87 tick(s)
[12:14:32] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [INFO]: js-patch setTimeout() test complete