Canarymod GUI not showing

CanaryMod related discussions

Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby DevLeague » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:46 pm

Lately, the Canarymod GUI does not seem to show up when I run the .jar file. It has worked in the past and certain computers run it fine and others do not.

The client is running and I can connect to it with no issues, however, I can't "op" myself to run the plugins and other things.

The op list doesn't seem to work either.
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby jamierocks » Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:05 pm

A work around would be to run the jar through terminal.
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby DevLeague » Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:22 am

Thank you, I've been doing that as a work around.

I guess I was curious as to why this occurs.
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby jamierocks » Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:43 pm

Are you getting any errors?
Could you upload your latest log?
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby DevLeague » Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:42 pm

I just checked the logs, and no errors are showing up. The little canarymod loading rectangle shows up in the upper left corner then it disappears, and the GUI doesn't display.

The server runs fine, I just can't access the server console.
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby jamierocks » Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:54 pm

So can you upload your latest log?
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby DevLeague » Fri Sep 25, 2015 10:33 pm

[12:14:27] [CanaryMod] [INFO]: Disabling plugin org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin
[12:14:27] [CanaryMod] [INFO]: Enabling plugin org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin
[12:14:29] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: alias plugin is not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:30] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [ERROR]: Plugin C:/Users/Charles/Downloads/CanaryProject/scriptcraft/plugins/charles/awesomearrows.js Error: Error evaluating module C:/Users/Charles/Downloads/CanaryProject/scriptcraft/plugins/charles/awesomearrows.js line #15 : <eval>:15:5 Expected an operand but found .
^ in <eval> at line number 15 at column number 5
[12:14:31] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: commando-test not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:31] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: commando plugin is not yet supported in CanaryMod
[12:14:31] [CanaryMod] [INFO] [MESSAGE]: §EPermission added
[12:14:32] [CanaryMod] [INFO] [MESSAGE]: §EPermission added
[12:14:32] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [WARN]: cow-clicker minigame is not yet supported in CanaryMod and Craftbukkit
[12:14:32] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer] [WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 4396ms behind, skipping 87 tick(s)
[12:14:32] [org.scriptcraftjs.canarymod.ScriptCraftPlugin] [INFO]: js-patch setTimeout() test complete
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby jamierocks » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:47 pm

Could you upload the whole log to pastebin?
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Re: Canarymod GUI not showing

Postby 14mRh4X0r » Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:08 pm

If I remember correctly, CanaryMod tries to detect whether the process has a console, and if it doesn't, it starts the GUI.
Perhaps the console detection went wrong, causing CanaryMod to think it was invoked from the console. You can create a shortcut to the jar and append --gui to the target field under properties to force a GUI (The target field will say e.g. C:\Path\To\CanaryMod.jar --gui)
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