Need help getting started

CanaryMod related discussions

Need help getting started

Postby davros273 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:47 pm


I installed CanaryMod server locally and have it running, but when I connect with minecraft client on same desktop, it is not working correctly (my kids tell me it is very laggy). If I run the regular minecraft server 1.8.8 jar then everything works fine.

Some background here: I am a professional software developer, mostly Java, but know very little about Minecraft and am setting this up for my kids and plan to write some plugins, and more importantly, try and get them interested in writing their own plugins.

I'm running with JDK 1.8.0_20 on a pretty high end desktop (quad core i7, plenty of RAM). CPU is very low when running the game and server. I'm using /CanaryMod-1.8.0-1.2.0-RC1.jar.

I'd appreciate some help figuring out the issue.


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Re: Need help getting started

Postby davros273 » Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:37 am

After some reading, I found the problem. I had to use the 'op' command to make myself an operator so that I could break blocks ....
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Re: Need help getting started

Postby WWOL » Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:44 am

Use playermod and groupmod commands at the console to add players to a group with permission
playermod group add <player_name> <group> to add player to a group (try players for a premade group)


groupmod permission add <group> to allow <group> to build.

Note: don't add the angle brackets, they signify that they need to be replaced with group / player name.
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